Our products




Olive, Seeds, Frying



Green, Black



Nonpareilles, Surfines, Capucines, Capotes, Fines...



Garlic, Chilli Peppers, Pickles, Vinegar

 Aceites de Oliva

Contamos con una ámplia oferta en Aceites de Oliva tanto ENVASADOS  como a GRANEL, en sus distintas variedades:
Orgánico, virgen extra, virgen, suave, intenso y orujo de oliva.







La Dieta Mediterránea consiste en una serie de conocimientos, prácticas

y tradiciones ancestrales relacionadas con nuestra alimentación, que van desde la tierra a la mesa.


Es uno de los modelos nutricionales más beneficiosos para la salud  ya que tiene una actitud de

sostenibilidad y respeto a la tierra, garantiza la conservación y el desarrollo de actividades

tradicionales y artesanales.


No hablemos de dietas, hablemos de la dieta, es Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad,

está a nuestro alcance durante todo el año. Hablamos de la Dieta Mediterránea.   


10 recomendaciones de la Dieta Mediterránea

¡Adóptalas ya!... y no las abandones.


  • aceite
    • Utilizar el aceite de oliva virgen extra como principal grasa de adición.

Es el aceite más utilizado en la cocina mediterránea. Es un alimento rico en vitamina E, beta-carotenos y ácidos grasos monoinsaturados que le confieren propiedades cardioprotectoras.

Este alimento representa un tesoro dentro de la dieta mediterránea, y ha perdurado a través de siglos entre las costumbres gastronómicas regionales, otorgando a los platos un sabor y aroma únicos.


  • verdura1
    • Consumir alimentos de origen vegetal en abundancia:

frutas, verduras, legumbres y frutos secos. Las verduras, hortalizas y frutas son la principal fuente de vitaminas, minerales y fibra de nuestra dieta y nos aportan al mismo tiempo, una gran cantidad de agua. Es fundamental consumir 5 raciones de fruta y verdura a diario. Gracias a su contenido elevado en antioxidantes y fibra pueden contribuir a prevenir, entre otras, algunas enfermedades cardiovasculares y algunos tipos de cáncer.


  • pan
    • El pan y los alimentos procedentes de cereales

(pasta, arroz y especialmente sus productos integrales) deberían formar parte de la alimentación diaria. El consumo diario de pasta, arroz y cereales es indispensable por su composición rica en carbohidratos. Nos aportan una parte importante de energía necesaria para nuestras actividades diarias. Hay que tener en cuenta que sus productos integrales nos aportan más fibra, minerales y vitaminas.


  • verdura2
    • Los alimentos poco procesados, frescos y de temporada

son los más adecuados. Es importante aprovechar los productos de temporada ya que, sobre todo en el caso de las frutas y verduras, nos permite consumirlas en su mejor momento, tanto a nivel de aportación de nutrientes como por su aroma y sabor.


  • lacteos2
    • Consumir diariamente productos lácteos

principalmente yogurt y quesos. Nutricionalmente hay que destacar que los productos lácteos son excelentes fuentes de proteínas de alto valor biológico, minerales (calcio, fósforo, etc.) y vitaminas. El consumo de leches fermentadas (yogurt, etc.) se asocia a una serie de beneficios para la salud porque estos productos contienen microorganismos vivos capaces de mejorar el equilibrio de la microflora intestinal.


  • carne2
    • La carne roja se tendría que consumir con moderación

y si puede ser como parte de guisos y otras recetas. Y las carnes procesadas en cantidades pequeñas y como ingredientes de bocadillos y platos. Las carnes contienen proteínas, hierro y grasa animal en cantidades variables. El consumo excesivo de grasas animales no es bueno para la salud. Por lo tanto, se recomienda el consumo en cantidades pequeñas, preferentemente carnes magras, y formando parte de platos a base de verduras y cereales.


  • sardinas
    • Consumir pescado en abundancia y huevos con moderación

Se recomienda el consumo de pescado azul como mínimo una o dos veces a la semana ya que sus grasas aunque de origen animal  tienen propiedades muy parecidas a las grasas de origen vegetal a las que se les atribuyen propiedades protectoras frente enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los huevos contienen proteínas de muy buena calidad, grasas y muchas vitaminas y minerales que los convierten en un alimento muy rico. El consumo de tres o cuatro huevos a la semana es una buena alternativa a la carne y el pescado.


  • fruta
    • La fruta fresca tendría que ser el postre habitual

Los dulces y pasteles deberían consumirse ocasionalmente. Las frutas son alimentos muy nutritivos que aportan color y sabor a nuestra alimentación diaria y son también una buena alternativa a media mañana y como merienda.


  • agua2
    • El agua es la bebida por excelencia en el Mediterráneo

El vino debe tomarse con moderación y durante las comidas. El agua es fundamental en nuestra dieta. El vino es un alimento tradicional en la dieta mediterránea que puede tener efectos beneficiosos para la salud consumiéndolo con moderación y en el contexto de una dieta equilibrada.


  • ejercicio2
    • Realizar actividad física todos los días

ya que es tan importante como comer adecuadamente. Mantenerse físicamente activo y realizar cada día un ejercicio físico adaptado a nuestras capacidades es muy importante para conservar una buena salud.






In 1955, with an extensive and long professional experience, Mr. Francisco José Sánchez Fernández founded the company that gave the name to our Company, which is the pillar of the Family Group of companies.

A company that was born from the desire of its founder to supply healthy and quality food products to whole world, and in the early 50’s was able to recognise the need to promote the good products which our land provided, not only within Spain but also beyond our borders.

A company that 60 years after being founded, and after becoming one of the leading companies in the capers, olive oil and table olives sector, is still a family owned business, which in its second generation, has been able to combine the changing requirements and high professionalism of the twenty first century with the need to maintain our traditions and our passion that results in that special management that defines our company.

Today, F.J. Sánchez Sucesores specialises in the manufacture, packing and distribution of capers, olive oil and olives. Through investigation, creativity and modern production facilities, equipped with state of the art technology, we strive to produce only the best quality products.

This has allowed us to become one of the leading companies in our field, and above all, count with an extensive and satisfied client base which we nurture with diligence and respect.

Only by being very careful and improving in every step we take, can we guarantee the highest quality of products, because long before the olives are plucked from the trees, or the olive trees blossom or the first flower buds appear on the caper shrubs, we will have controlled and analysed that all is proceeding according to our standards of quality. We process all products that we distribute from their origin to the final product.

This passion for what we do allows us to export to the whole world under the banner “Quality from the Source”, which highlights the best of our Mediterranean character, that is, the care of raw materials that have not yet been harvested up to the final products that arrive at the table of our consumers.

Being based in Andalucia and Extremadura, in Spain, with 11 production facilities strategically placed, we can offer a small part of the famous Mediterranean diet, combining tradition and know-how to satisfy the most demanding tastes of the world, and trust that the best is yet to come.



To grow the Family Group of Companies to satisfy the needs of the most demanding markets, both with bulk products, as well as packaged products.



To become one of the leading companies, worldwide, in the production, packing and distribution of:




To achieve a continuous growthaimed at positioning our products in all different segments in all world-wide markets.



Today our company is dedicated to the production, packaging and marketing of capers, olives and olive oils.

Our factories are equipped with the most advanced and lasts technology that allow us to produce our quality products

Our pursuit of quality starts with  the raw materials and we control the production process from source to the final product.

We are thus able to guarantee the originality and high quality of all our products.


Our products are sold both in bulk for further industrial use

or packaged, in glass, PET or cans, under one of our brands,

of which “La Pedriza” is the principal.




We continue to grow every day, both with our brands as well as with private brands,

which we supply to some of the most important distribution chains in the world.

The good work, a qualified team, latest technology and the high quality standards

characterizes our company. From the beginning have preserved our

purest tradition, committed to product and service quality.






We are present in five continents.

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Capers and Olives are appreciated worldwide.

Our Export Department is responsible for our expansion and controls our

sales in the different countries where we are selling.

These are some of the countries where our products are being sold.





If you are interested in being our distributor, please fill out this form.








Our commitment to quality begins with the raw material.

All our products are controlled in our factories from the origin to the final product, ensuring full traceability.

In an effort to give our most demanding customers full security, our company is certified since 2003 by the most important food processing safety standards.

These are some of our certifications:




Our vegetable oil “FRITURAMAX”, specially designed for frying,

is the result of a careful selection of vegetable oils that perfectly combined

and balanced give rise to a high yield oil, with a longer useable life, 

that guarantees better and crunchier deep fried dishes.


This oil has a higher resistance to oxidation, so that it can be used more times for

frying than other vegetable oils. It contains an anti-foaming ingredient that ensures

that the formation of bubbles and foams normally present during frying is reduced

to a minimum, thus avoiding splatter of oil that burns and dirties the kitchen.

With “FRITURA MAX” in your kitchen, you will have tastier and crunchier foods,

without any mixing of flavours.

“FRITURA MAX” has a smooth and delicate taste that allows it to be used

for cooking and savouring all types of dishes.

Our oil “FRITURA MAX” is available in 5 Litre and 10 Litre presentations.

“FRITURA MAX” with its high performance and high yield has been specially

developed for catering and professional frying.


In a fryer, oils degrade with each use and thus lose their properties. But not all oils degrade equally;

“FRITURA MAX” is one of the vegetable oils that behaves best in this aspect,

as can be seen in the oil degradation chart below:







Recomentations to optimize FRITURAMAX

  • Frying temperature is better at 160ºC (320ºF) than at 180ºC (356ºF).
  • Change consumed oil with FRITURAMAX, maintaining constant the oil level in the frying machine as this will allow you to increase the usage of the oil.
  • The optimal frying point is obtained after the third use, not with new oil.
  • If you do not use the fryer very often, it is recommendable to change the oil if too much time elapses between uses, to avoid the oil becoming rancid.
  • If you are frying frozen foods (fish, croquettes, pastry, potatoes, etc.) make sure to eliminate any small presence of ice, as this water mixed with the hot oil, apart from splattering, will spoil our oil.
  • Do not switch on and off the frying machine if you are thinking of frying various dishes, as this will damage the life of the oil. Maintain the frying machine turned on until you have finished frying.
  • There are certain foods with more fats, such as chorizos, oily fish, that will stain the oil in excess. It is recommendable not to fry such foods in the frying machine.
  • RECYCLE your used oils. Do not dispose of your oil down the sink or WC.


These are the main packaging formats, in which

We serve the Special Frying Oil FRITURAMAX





One of our strengths relies on our ability to transport bulk oils in large volumes of oils.

We provide industrial presentations that range from drums of 200Kg, and totes (IBC) of 1000L.

For bulk transport we provide from flexitank to large road or ship tankers.















See other formats of interest:   






Our olive oils are the result of a careful selection of olives and a

rigorous work to obtain the high quality, that is characteristic of all our products.

To obtain our olive oils we have a well-trained and highly profession workforce

with modern facilities that give rise to a high production capacity.

Our products are sold both in bulk for their subsequent use in industrial processes,

as well as packaged in glass or PET bottles or tins, with a wide range of personalized presentations.

Our packaging lines are equipped with the latest technology that provide versatility and efficiency.

You can package our products under one of our brands, of which

“LA PEDRIZA” is the principal one, or under your own brands.



We have been steadily growing through co-packaging of private or third party labels

for major retailers, and we are proud suppliers of some of the mayor distribution chains,

all over the world.

Our customers have the choice to pack under their own labels, and for their products

to be palletised to their requirements. We provide personalised packaging so that products

can be displayed directly on the client’s store floors.

This is an added value that we provide our trusted customers.




For more information:




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